youv sunscreen
solutions for suncare
IID thesis 2020
Sunscreen is one of our primary defense mechanisms against UV skin damage (Hughes, 2013), however research has shown that active ingredients in sunscreen products may be harmful to our environment and human health (Giokas, 2007). Currently, there are six destinations across the globe that have begun to eradicate the use of traditional sunscreens that contain specific UV blocking ingredients (NYT, 2019). Most medical professionals believe that not wearing sunscreen is far more risky than the side effects it may bring (Ramos-e-Silva, 2013). Thus, most of my secondary research led me to believe that the main problem with sunscreens are not its ingredients, but more so how people were using the products.
Our only natural defense against UV rays lie underneath the surface of our skin commonly referred to as melanin cells (O’Neil, 2013). Typically, people who have deeper skin tones can safely sustain in warmer climates far longer than people with fairer skin tones (O’Neil, 2013). In addition to skin tone, regionality and previous exposure may also play a role in our experience under the sun. With this in mind, I wondered why most sunscreens were marketed to be effective on everybody. If we're all not having a universal experience under the sun, does it make sense for suncare to be universal?
With these factors in mind, How might we use UV protecting products in a more conscious and sustainable way?

Market analysis of face and body SPF products.

The images above were collaged by users who expressed their attractions and experience using sunscreen. Topics included form, color, and memories related to the sun and suncare. These images were later used to develop the graphic labels on the bottles.
final labels

form development

Together, the physical and graphic components of this design work to facilitate a more personal and customized experience when selecting a sunscreen. The ultimate goal of this design is to hopefully pair people with an appropriate SPF value, all in efforts of reducing the adverse effects of UV blocking ingredients.